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Five People Who Should Try Cannabis-Infused Salves

Cannabis-infused products are an excellent way to find topical relief for pain and inflammation right at their source. However, the type of topical agent that you use can matter. Lotions are excellent for penetrating superficial tissue and providing nourishing, restorative, and hydrating effects for your skin and minor skin conditions, while salves do a better job of providing deeper penetration over time and creating a nonpermeable barrier against wind, liquid, and other skin irritants. 

In the case of cannabis-infused salves, they also do a great job of holding in all of the healing properties you are looking for to promote wellness and reduce inflammation and pain.

In today’s blog, we’ll take a close look at five kinds of people who we think might find relief from using THC-infused salves to treat pain. To learn more about our THC-infused salves, visit our online product page. To purchase it, find the Colorado dispensary nearest to you that carries the Mary Jane’s Medicinals line of products.

People Who Work a Desk Job

Desk jobs are tough on your neck, shoulders, spine, and if you do a lot of typing during your day, your wrists and hands, as well. The results of sitting and/or typing all day can leave you feeling exhausted, worn down, and struggling to maintain a comfortable normal posture or strong grip.

THC is known to reduce inflammation and help relieve pain by regulating the nervous system via your ECS — or endocannabinoid system. As such, cannabis-infused salves are an excellent way to restore a sense of wellness while addressing superficial pain caused by your workplace posture.

People Who Suffer From Arthritis Pain

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, THC and other cannabinoids are also commonly used to treat arthritis pain, and a study from the journal Pain in 2017 found that cannabinoids were effective at reducing inflammation and protecting nerves in many different cases of osteoarthritis, suggesting that full-spectrum THC-infused salves should be strongly considered by those seeking relief.

People Who Struggle With Plantar Fasciitis

For the exact same reasons, cannabis-infused salves are an excellent way to provide relief for people who struggle with soft tissue pain from conditions like plantar fasciitis. A Cannabis-infused salve also has the added benefit of providing protection to cracked and dry feet, for a one-two wellness punch. Applying our salve to sore or tired feet after a long day is also a great idea for soothing discomfort and promoting relaxation.

People Who Experience Joint Pain From Overuse Activities

In an earlier example, we cited how CBD can provide pain relief for overuse conditions like pain from too much typing and consistently poor posture, so it stands to reason that THC-infused salves would be effective for other types of pain caused by overuse, or repetition, injury, making them an excellent choice for athletes.  THC and THC-A are known to have powerful analgesic properties, and when combined with CBD have even more benefits!

Anyone Seeking Relief Through A Natural and Homeopathic Product

Cannabis-infused salves also fall into line with the values of homeopathic medicine in that they provide natural, wellness-promoting ingredients that are intended to stimulate the body’s own ability to heal and take care of itself.

Find Cannabis-Infused Products From Mary Jane’s Medicinals

Mary Jane’s Medicinals provides high-quality, small-batch, and cannabis-infused products to help you feel your best. You can see our entire lineup on our online product page or find them for sale at any of these Colorado dispensaries.